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The submitted payloads have the following structure:

  • Resource identifiers, for example, the client order ID.
  • A Callback Url to the LetsGetChecked server to query for changes.
  • The type determines the resource type. For example, Order or Result.
  • A timestamp in UTC determines the creation of the message. You should use this to check if the event happened before or after your current status.

Order change notification

This is a sample webhook notification for Orders API - Version 1:


This is a sample webhook notification for Orders API - Version 2:

"type": "order",
"body": {
"clientOrderId": "246975",
"callbackURL": "{LGC-API}/1111/api/v2/orders/246975",
"orderItemStatus": {
"id": "2fa58516-fc54-4e5d-9349-4865d38f785e",
"status": {
"code": "KitRegistered"
"timestamp": "2023-05-15T16:22:11.3513804Z"

Results change notification


Outreach change notification

"type": "PcpResultsLetter",
"status": "DeliverySent",
"failureReason": null,

Possible values in the Outreach payload
The body of the payload contains the following information:

  • The LetsGetChecked barcode (numerical test kit code), for example, LGC-1234-1234-1234.
  • The type of notification, for example, PcpResultsLetter or PatientResultsLetter.
  • The status of the notification, for example, DeliverySent.
  • The failureReason. This property is currently not in use and the value is always null.
  • The timestamp for the notification, in UTC format.

Type: the type of API, for example, outreach.